by Jane Moyer | Apr 23, 2020 | Change, Crisis Management, Future, Leadership, Learning, Strategic Planning, Thinking
Between the beginning and ending of a change, there is “an important in-between” time. How do you want to come out on the other side of change? Use this time to develop stronger relationships, a deeper sense of purpose, new skills, and creative solutions.
by Jane Moyer | Mar 27, 2020 | Change, Crisis Management, Future, Innovation, Leadership, Strategic Planning, Thinking
The change you are experiencing right now will not be the last. Step up to view things from a higher, larger, longer perspective. Look beyond the immediate change for consequences and possible additional changes and opportunities. Use this Scenario Planing Plus tool to consider possible cascades of changes.
by Jane Moyer | Mar 24, 2020 | Change, Crisis Management, Future
When we face change, many of us resist it as we scramble to protect our status quo. If we solely focus there, we may be missing potential good and opportunity that open up through change. We may not see the gifts immediately, but we are more likely to find them if we are looking. The “gifts” may take a different form than we were initially expecting.
by Jane Moyer | Mar 19, 2020 | Change, Crisis Management, Future, Influence, Leadership, Strategy
As you decide how to navigate your course forward during major change or crisis, here’s a process to help you sort things out and strategically determine the best way to spend your time, thought, and energy. Take charge of what you control. Exercise your influence. Adapt to important factors outside your control.
by Jane Moyer | Mar 17, 2020 | Change, Crisis Management, Leadership
In times of crisis, lead yourself first. Recognizing your values can help you stay grounded during times of tumult. As you are called upon to be there for others, don’t neglect your own mental, physical, and emotional health. Adopt a growth mindset.